Economic Opportunities Analysis

You’re Invited to a Community Open House
The City of Creswell’s Planning Department is working on a plan for economic development (called an Economic Opportunities Analysis) to help all residents of Creswell thrive. You are invited to a community open house to learn about the plan and give feedback. There will be both in-person and virtual options so you can participate in whatever way works best for you.

In-Person Open House – Join us in person to provide your feedback!

What: Community Open House

When: Two chances to attend! June 11 and June 18 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Format: Drop-in. Learn about the project, give feedback and then be on your way. Plan for about 15 minutes to attend open house.

Where: Creswell Community Center, 99 S 1st Street, Creswell, OR 97426

Why: To provide your input to inform the Economic Opportunities Analysis Plan, a plan for economic development in Creswell.

 Virtual Open House – Can’t make it to provide feedback in person? We still want to hear from you! CLICK HERE

Take Our Survey! This survey is anonymous, but if you choose to provide your email address at the end, you will be entered to win one of five gift cards, each worth a value of $50.

Problem Statement

Creswell’s current supply of economic land does not meet the needs of the City. Even though Creswell is along I-5, near a university and community college, and in proximity to a major population center, the City has not been able to attract employers to relocate to the “Friendly City”. In feedback from the 2022 Economic Development Strategic Plan, the City simply does not have enough “shovel-ready” land. Specifically, the City has identified that its larger industrial sites are constrained by lack of access to infrastructure (road, water, and sewer), which has presented a phantom capacity in the current BLI. Staff anticipates that a UGB expansion will need to include additional land for economic activity.

·         Task 1 – Literature Review - February 2024

The consultant will review the existing economic documents that the City has in draft form or has already adopted. In addition, the consultant will review plans as they relate to the south lane region, like Cottage Grove’s EOA, the Local Foods Local Places Report, the South Lane Food Producer Survey Report, etc.

·         Task 2 – Outreach and Advisory Committee Participation - May 2024

City Staff will facilitate public outreach and reach groups of populations that have not traditionally participated in the planning process in Creswell. Staff has contacts at the Library, Affordable Housing Complex, Creswell Clubhouse, Hope & Safety Alliance, Creswell Family Resource Center, and Churches. Staff will also facilitate outreach to the business community, local property owners, and developers.

·         Task 3 – Targeted Industry Analysis - August 2024

As a part of the EOA, the consultant will include a targeted industry analysis. This will inform whether Creswell has the correct configurations of parcels to attract the type of employment that has been identified as a priority in the City and in the South Lane region. While Creswell has a large quantity of employment land, most of the land does not have sufficient access to public infrastructure. In general, the parcels that are shovel ready are not convenient for lower income populations, because they are more than a half-mile from the neighborhoods.

·         Task 4 – Economic Opportunities Plan Adoption - October 2024

The consultant will update Creswell’s Economic Opportunities Plan to be ready for Council Adoption. Creswell has an adopted 2022 Economic Development Strategic Plan and a DRAFT 2019 Economic Opportunities Analysis. The Consultant will use those documents, update the tables, incorporate the findings from Tasks 1, 2, and 3 in order to “dust off” Creswell’s EOA in preparation for a BLI update and sequential UGB expansion.