Land Needs Analysis
About the Project
Housing! Employment! These two things are critical to making our City work.
Creswell seeks to understand how much Buildable Land exists within its existing Urban Growth Boundary, and project the demand on land resources for residential and employment uses to meet future demand. Population forecasts, existing and future desired residential development patterns, existing and future employment opportunities, and constraints of land burdened by hazard risk shall be considered.
The end-product of this project will provide Creswell with a better understanding of the existing stock/capacity for development within its current boundaries, describe strategic methods and policies for directing residential growth and realizing economic opportunity, and determine within the latitude of several scenarios whether an Urbanization Study is needed to pursue an amendment to the City’s Urban Growth Boundary.
What Goes Into a Land Needs Analysis?
The planning process will take a Buildable Lands Inventory, a Housing Needs Analysis, and an Economic Opportunities Analysis together to produce Creswell’s Land Needs Analysis. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, Creswell Land Needs Analysis will respond directly to Goal 9 (Economic Opportunities) and Goal 10 (Housing Needs) through the creation of policy and amendments to Creswell’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
The Housing Needs Analysis looks specifically at how much land the City will need for housing. The Analysis starts by identifying how many people will likely live in Creswell in the year 2039 and predicts (based on Census Data) approximately how many housing units of all sizes, shapes, and prices, the City will need by that future date. Creswell is expected to grow by approximately 2,021 people, which means 849 new housing units will need to be added over the next 20 years! The big take-away is that Creswell needs more housing choices: for seniors, for young professionals, and for everyone in-between. Staff will continue to explore ways to make that vision a reality.
Read the Housing Needs Analysis and a summary of it's conclusions.
Economic Opportunities Analysis
The Economic Opportunities Analysis looks at how much land the City will need to provide employment opportunities to Creswell residents. With job opportunities in the Eugene-Springfield Metro area, Creswell has a large share of commuters who work out of town. This Analysis uses employment forecasting to estimate how the City can balance a variety of development types to keep supporting its grassroots, entrepreneurial spirit and bring back online many of the areas of town that support a strong local economy.
What Will the Results Look Like?
This analysis will recommend a direction related to Goal 14 (Urbanization) as to whether the City’s current Urban Growth Boundary can accommodate the community’s anticipated future population growth, in keeping with the community’s values around residential and employment development.
The results will provide not only policy recommendations, but describe the anticipated extent and process necessary to achieve a community-desired outcome focused on directing growth of Creswell to the year 2039.
Read the GRAPHICAL SUMMARY of the Housing Needs and Economic Opportunities Analyses by clicking the PDF below.