The City of Creswell is currently experiencing unusually heavy winds. We advise residents to be cautious of falling branches and to stay indoors if possible.
about 18 hours ago, Creswell Admin
⚠️Heavy Wind Advisory⚠️. The City of Creswell is currently experiencing heavy winds. We advise residents to take precautions to ensure safety during this weather event.  Safety Tips: Secure outdoor objects and decorations to prevent them from becoming hazardous. Avoid driving in open areas, and  Be cautious of fallen branches or debris on the roads. Stay indoors if possible. Check that your emergency kit is stocked   Stay safe and remain alert to changing conditions.
The Creswell Park and Tree Advisory Board will be holding their monthly meeting on April 1st, 2025, at 9:30am in Creswell City Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
2 days ago, Creswell Admin
Park and Tree Advisory Board Meeting. April 1st, 2025 at 9:30am in Creswell City Hall
Facebook may be changing its live video retention policy but that doesn't mean the Council Meeting videos are gone forever! You can still access them on the City of Creswell website or YouTube page. Website: YouTube:
4 days ago, Creswell Admin
Heads Up, Creswell! Facebook is changing its policy and will remove all live videos after 30 days. This means that older live streams of City meetings will be removed, and upcoming live streams will only stay on Facebook for 30 days.  But don’t worry! You can still watch all recorded City meetings anytime on the City of Creswell YouTube page or on our website, where they are organized and linked to meeting materials.
A Budget Training will be held at City Hall tonight at 6pm. Although this is not a formal meeting of the Budget Committee, a quorum of the City Council or Budget Committee may be in attendance. There will be no deliberation of the budget, nor will any action take place.
7 days ago, Creswell Admin
budget  Training. March 25, 2025 at 6:00pm  in Creswell City Hall
A Budget Training will be held at City Hall on March 25th at 6pm. Although this is not a formal meeting of the Budget Committee, a quorum of the City Council or Budget Committee may be in attendance. There will be no deliberation of the budget, nor will any action take place.
7 days ago, Creswell Admin
budget  Training. March 25, 2025 at 6:00pm  in Creswell City Hall
Livestock in the road is a traffic hazard. If you see a cow, sheep, or other farm animal blocking the road, call 911!
9 days ago, Creswell Admin
Livestock in the road? Call 9-1-1
It is the time of year where Creswell City Hall receives lots of calls asking about the Community-Wide Yard Sale. Paisley wants to direct everyone to the real brains of the operation, the Creswell Chamber of Commerce! Learn more about what they do at
9 days ago, Creswell Admin
Did you know? The Creswell Chamber of Commerce is the brains behind many of your favorite Creswell events! They organize the Community Wide Garage Sale, the 4th of July Celebration,  and the Winter Lights  Festival! Check out  their website and  learn about the  awesome things  they do! Love, Paisley
Our City-Wide Clean Up Day is coming up soon and just in time for Spring Cleaning! For more information, please contact Creswell City Hall at 541-895-2531 or at
9 days ago, Creswell Admin
 8:00 AM  1:00 PM  City-Wide Clean Up City of Creswell City-Wide Clean Up  When: May 3rd, 2025  Time: 8am-1pm  Where: Public Works City Shop 83624 N. Pacific Hwy (Hwy 99N)  How it Works: Please show your picture ID at the gate. Your current address must be on your ID and you must live in the Creswell city limits to participate. We will unload your vehicle. We reserve the right to refuse oversized loads, loads in enclosed vehicles (such as moving trucks or box vans), construction debris, business waste and unacceptable materials. You will be limited to a maximum of 3 loads, and a maximum of 5 tires. If your load is refused, you will need to take it to a Lane County dump site, where there will be a fee & you will need to unload it yourself.  We DO Accept:  Yard Debris  Old Outdoor Appliances  Old Furniture  Old Appliances  Old Toys  Metals  We DON'T Accept:  General Household Garbage  Fluorescent Light Bulbs  TVs, Computer Monitors, etc  Paint, Household Chemicals, Solvents, Pesticides, Gasoline  Sod, Rocks, Dirt, Concrete, Asphalt, or Bricks  Pet Litter or Medical Waste  Large Tree Rounds or Entire Trees  Oversized items such as Hot Tubs or Boats  Construction Debris or Business Waste  Semi-Truck or Tractor Tires
The Spring 2025 edition of the Creswell Connection has arrived! Utility residents will receive a copy with their next bill but if you would like to take an early look, you can view it on our website:
9 days ago, Creswell Admin
The Spring 2025 Edition of the Creswell Connection has arrived!
Happy #WaybackWednesday, Creswell! Today we have a picture of a phone directory from the Creswell Telephone Company, circa February 1957! Do we have any followers that remember the Creswell Telephone Company? Tell us in the comments!
10 days ago, Creswell Admin
Image of a phone directory from the Creswell Telephone Company
Happy Tuesday, Creswell! Today we want to hear about the coolest place you have ever traveled to!
10 days ago, Creswell Admin
Question of the Day: Where is the Coolest Place you have ever traveled?
The City of Creswell Arbor Day Celebration is just around the corner and there is so much to look forward to! For more information, please contact Creswell City Hall at 541-895-2531 or at
10 days ago, Creswell Admin
City of Creswell Arbor Day Celebration. April 26th from 10am to 1pm. Festivities include local organizations and vendors, Free Hot Dogs and Veggie Dogs, Tree and Swag giveaways, and Free Face painting. The event will be held at Garden Lake Park. For more information, please contact Creswell City Hall at 541-895-2531 or at
The Creswell Community-Wide Yard Sale is coming up! To get your house on the map, contact the Creswell Chamber of Commerce at 541-895-4398 or visit
10 days ago, Creswell Admin
Community Wide Yard Sale, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. May 9, 10, 11
The Creswell City Council Work Session is happening now! Head to the City of Creswell Facebook or YouTube channel to watch it live!
10 days ago, Creswell Admin
We are live! Live stream the Creswell City Council Meeting and stay up to date about what is happening in our town! Facebook: City of Creswell. YouTube: @CityofCreswell1909
Happy Monday, Creswell! Here is everything happening in the Friendly City this week! If you have any questions, please contact City Hall at 541-895-2531 or at
10 days ago, Creswell Admin
This Week in Creswell. March 24: City Council Work Session 6pm at Creswell City Hall. March 25: Budget Training 6pm at Creswell City Hall. March 27: Street Sweeper (South Side of Oregon Avenue). Reminder: Coffee With a Cop is cancelled this month and will return in April.
In case you didn't know, our very own Sergeant Speldrich is on Facebook! Give him a follow and keep up with our local law enforcement!
10 days ago, Creswell Admin
Do you ever wonder what Sergeant Speldrich gets up to while he is on duty? Follow him on Facebook at Creswell Sergeant Alex Speldrich.
Do you want updates about City Hall closures, alerts, and more? Sign up for our text alerts! Just text "CRESWELL" to 91896 to subscribe.
10 days ago, Creswell Admin
Creswell, OR Text Alerts! Get city updates sent directly to your phone via text message. Sign up to receive city text message notifications! Opt-in today. Text CRESWELL to: 91896
Are you a dog owner that resides within Creswell city limits? Come get your dog licensed with us! Just bring proof of current rabies vaccination. *Note: County licenses only apply to dogs outside city limits. Dogs within city limits must be licensed with the City of Creswell.
10 days ago, Creswell Admin
Get your dog licensed with the City of Creswell! 1 year license (neutered): $10. 2 year license (neutered): $15. 3 year license (neutered): $20. 1 Year License (Intact):  $15. 2 year license (intact): $20. 3 year license (intact): $30. Senior Rates (65+). 1 year license (neutered): $7. 2 yer license (neutered): $9. 3 year license (neutered): $14. Make sure to bring proof of current rabies vaccination!
Happy Sunday, Creswell! Today Paisley wants you to know how to safely put out a grease fire! For more information on fire safety, visit the Red Cross website:
10 days ago, Paisley
Safety Sundays With Paisley. Do you know how to safely put out a grease fire? Let me tell you! If a fire starts in a pan, carefully slide a lid over the pan to starve the fire of oxygen. Be sure to turn off the burner, too! Leave the lid on until the pan is cool! Moving the pan can lead to serious injury or even spread the fire! Never pour water on a grease fire!
Have you checked out our app yet? It is a wonderful way to receive notifications from the City while you are out and about! Download it now on the App Store or on Google Play.
10 days ago, Creswell Admin
Download the official City of Creswell App! Staying up to date on everything in the Friendly City has never been easier! Download on the Apple app store or get it on Google Play.