Looking for an affordable venue for your next? Try the Creswell Community Center! For more information or to request a tour, please call 541-895-2531 or visit https://www.ci.creswell.or.us/o/city/page/facilities-rental
9 months ago, Creswell Admin
Looking for a great place to host your event? Check out the Creswell Community Center! A great place for birthday parties, talent shows, and more!
Happy Saturday, Creswell! We hope you have a lovely day!
9 months ago, Creswell Admin
Happy Saturday, Creswell!
Coffee With a Cop is tomorrow morning! We hope you will stop on by and enjoy some coffee and conversation with some of our local police officers!
9 months ago, Creswell Admin
Coffee With a Cop. Saturday March 30 at Blue Valley Bistro (116 Melton Road), 10am-12pm. No purchase necessary. Join some of Creswell's finest law enforcement officers for coffee and conversation! For more information, please contact Sergeant Speldrich at alex.speldrich@lanecountyor.gov
The City of Creswell's Spring 2024 Newsletter has landed! View it on our website before it arrives with your utility bill! Creswell Connection Spring 2024: https://5il.co/2gztn
9 months ago, Creswell Admin
The Spring 2024 Newsletter has Arrived!
Today the City of Creswell honors those who served in the Vietnam War. We are grateful for your service and sacrifice in defending our nation.
9 months ago, Creswell Admin
It's time to start thinking about City-Wide Clean Up Day! For more information, please contact Cliff at cbellew@creswell-or.us.
9 months ago, Creswell Admin
City of Creswell City-Wide Clean Up. When: May 4th, 2024 Time: 8am-1pm Where: Public Works City Shop 83624 N. Pacific Hwy (Hwy 99N). How it Works: Please show your picture ID at the gate. Your current address must be on your ID and you must live in the Creswell city limits to participate. We will unload your vehicle. We reserve the right to refuse oversized loads, loads in enclosed vehicles (such as moving trucks or box vans), construction debris, business waste and unacceptable materials.  You will be limited to a maximum of 3 loads, and a maximum of 5 tires. If your load is refused, you will need to take it to a Lane County dump site, where there will be a fee & you will need  to unload it yourself.
City of Creswell City-Wide Clean Up.We DO Accept:  Yard debris Old outdoor appliances (such as BBQs) Old furniture Old appliances (fridges, washing machines, etc.) Old toys Metals. We DON’T Accept:General Household Garbage Fluorescent light bulbs TVs, computer monitors, etc. Paint, household chemicals, solvents, pesticides, gasoline Alkaline batteries Sod, rocks, dirt, concrete, asphalt or bricks Pet litter or medical waste Large tree rounds or entire trees Oversized items such as hot tubs or boats Construction debris or business waste Semi-truck or tractor tires
City of Creswell City-Wide Clean Up.Scheduling Appliance Pick-Ups:  Public Works will pick up your large appliances, but you MUST call to schedule it with City Hall prior to pick up day. Please call City Hall at 541-895-2531 no later than 12:00 pm Thursday, May 2nd, 2024, for a large appliance pick up. Requests submitted after this time will not be accepted.  Large Appliance Pick-Up Scheduling will begin on April 27th, 2024. When preparing for cleanup day, please consider recycling or donating first. For more information, please contact Cliff at cbellew@creswell-or.us
Do you ever wonder what all the different types of food pull dates mean? Here's a breakdown for you!
9 months ago, Creswell Admin
Food product dating. Sell by: date set by the manufacturer telling a store how long they can display the product for sale. Best by: date indicating when the product will be of best flavor and quality. Use by: Last date for use of the product while at peak quality.
Happy Thursday, Creswell! Today Paisley wants to remind everyone to be kind to each other and live up to the Friendly City name!
9 months ago, Creswell Admin
The City of Creswell Presents Paisley’s Ponderings. We are the Friendly City! Remember to be kind to everyone you encounter, even if they aren’t as cute as me!
Do you need to report a crime to the Lane County Sheriff's Office? Call the non-emergency number at 541-682-4150.
9 months ago, Creswell Admin
Need to report a crime? Call the LCSO non-emergency number. 541-682-4150
The Creswell City Council will be holding a public hearing during their April 8th meeting about the naming of 2nd Street Park. Members of the public are welcome to attend and share their thoughts and concerns regarding the proposed name.
9 months ago, Creswell Admin
Public Hearing Notice: The City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 8th during its regular meeting to name the newest park in the City. The name that they are considering is RobinetteHughes Park in memory of the gentlemen who gave property to create the City of Creswell. The park is located on South 2nd Street and currently has a play area installed. This year we will be opening a splash pad.
The final round of voting for Movies in the Park 2024 has begun! Cast your vote in the comments on Facebook or in the ballot box at the Creswell Library!
9 months ago, Creswell Admin
Movies in the Park 2024: Back to School. Options: School of Rock (PG-13), Napoleon Dynamite (PG), Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (PG), Monsters University (PG)
In case you missed last night's City Council meeting, here are the findings from the grocery store survey that was conducted a few months ago. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Curtis at 541-895-2531 ext. 326 or at cthomas@creswell-or.us
10 months ago, Creswell Admin
Creswell Grocery Store Survey Results. Last night, we gave a presentation to City Council to reveal the results of the Grocery Store Survey and the associated market research. Attached you can find the slide deck. Here is a summary:
In our Economic Development Strategic Plan, we identified the lack of a grocery store as a competitive disadvantage. This led us to the research question: Can Creswell support a grocery store, and if so, what size grocery store? At a staff level, we heard plenty of anecdotes about the desire for the grocery store, but we lacked the DATA to be able to agree or disagree. Per the survey and market research, we can confidently say that Creswell can support a grocery store of about 20,000 square feet. To put the size into perspective, Bi-Mart is about 30,000 square feet and the average sized Winco is 90,000 square feet.
Therefore, a 20,000 square foot grocery store in Creswell will have to find a way to compete with the local Walmart, Costco, and Winco. It is not easy. In my opinion, a local grocer will have to find a way to create and maintain brand loyalty in order to be competitive. A few people in the survey asked why we are investigating this question, when Ray’s was not successful. Rays had a highly unfavorable rental-lease agreement, which led to a trickle-down result of high prices and bad reputation.
In the survey, Creswellians responded that they prioritize price, convenience, options, and availability of fresh produce – no surprises there! The market research further recommends that a local grocer focus on produce, fresh meats, dairy, etc. As you all already know, grocery stores provide cleaning supplies, pharmaceuticals, and “pantry” items. In Creswell, we already have stores that carry those goods, meaning the market is semi-saturated in those areas. A local grocer should try to fill the gap.
We have shared the results of this project with Farmlands, the only grocer who has shown recent interest in expanding in Creswell. While they understand the market potential and clientele, Farmlands is determining the feasibility of moving to a new building, expanding operations, and taking a financial risk. We have connected Farmlands with Grocer Consultant to help decision making.   If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Curtis at 541-895-2531 ext. 326 or at cthomas@creswell-or.us
Today is your last chance to vote in Round 3 of Movies in the Park! You can cast your vote on the pinned post on our Facebook page, in person at the Creswell Library (ballot box is at the front desk), or by visiting our website!
10 months ago, Creswell Admin
Today is the last day to vote for Round 3 of Movies in the Park!
The latest update from Manager Amberg has arrived! If you would like to receive these updates via email, please send message Michelle at mdamberg@creswell-or.us March 26, 2024 Update: https://5il.co/2haeg
10 months ago, Creswell Admin
Creswell City Manager Weekly Update
We are live! Watch tonight's Work Session in real time on our Facebook page or on our YouTube channel!
10 months ago, Creswell Admin
We are live! Live stream the Creswell City Council Meeting and stay up to date about what is happening in our town! Facebook: City of Creswell. YouTube: @CityofCreswell1909
The Creswell City Council will be holding their monthly work session tonight at 6pm in City Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and the meeting will be live-streamed on the official City of Creswell Facebook and YouTube.
10 months ago, Creswell Admin
City Council Work Session. March 25th at 6pm in Creswell City Hall
Happy Monday, Creswell! Here is everything happening in the Friendly City this week!
10 months ago, Creswell Admin
This Week in Creswell: March 25th- City Council Work Session, 6pm in the McCluskey Chambers of Creswell City Hall. March 28th- Street Sweeper (South Side of Oregon Avenue). March 30th- Coffee With a Cop, 10am to 12pm at Blue Valley Bistro (116 Melton Road). March 31st- Easter Sunday
When it comes to severe weather, don’t rely on a single source for updates. Make sure you have multiple ways to receive warnings and alerts about approaching storms.
10 months ago, Creswell Admin
Have multiple ways to get warnings, such as internet, wireless emergency alerts and weather apps, outdoor sirens, local tv and radio, noaa radios, and from family and friends.
Heads up, Creswell! City Hall will be closed from 11:30am to 1:30pm on Monday, April 1st, 2024, for a farewell lunch for our City Recorder, Grace. Doors will open promptly at 1:30pm and all messages will be returned in the order they are received.
10 months ago, Creswell Admin
Creswell City Hall will be closed from 11:30am to 1:30pm on Monday, April 1st, 2024, for a farewell lunch for our City Recorder, Grace. Doors will open promptly at 1:30pm and all messages will be returned in the order they are received.
It is once again time for Safety Sundays With Paisley! Creswell's most famous Border Collie wants to remind everyone to check their smoke alarms! They should be checked once a month and batteries should be replaced when they begin beeping.
10 months ago, Creswell Admin
Safety Sundays With Paisley. Paisley the Border Collie says: When was the last time you checked your smoke alarm? I recommend checking it once a month! If your smoke alarm is beeping, replace the battery ASAP!