Start the Holiday Season off right by having Breakfast With Santa at the Firehouse! For more information, please contact South Lane Fire and Rescue at (541) 942-4493.
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
Breakfast With Santa at the Firehouse. DECEMBER 7TH, 2024 7am-11am 233 e. harrison ave, COTTAGE GROVE, OR 97424. Join South Lane Fire & Rescue for a Firefighter Breakfast of Pancakes, Sausage, Bacon, Eggs, Coffee, Juice, and Hot Cocoa, PLUS a visit from Santa!
Happy Friday, Creswell! Just a friendly reminder that City Hall is closed today and will resume regular business hours on Monday, December 2nd, 2024.
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
Happy Friday, Creswell! City Hall is closed today and will resume regular business hours on Monday, December 2nd, 2024.
Do you have any questions about City Code? Contact our Code Enforcement Officer, Chelsie Haynes, at 541-895-2531 ext. 315 or at *Chelsie currently works a hybrid schedule. Email is the best way to reach her!
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
Code Enforcement Questions? Contact our Code Enforcement Officere, Chelsie Haynes, at or at 541-895-2531 ext. 315
Happy Thanksgiving, Creswell! On an unrelated note, here is a step by step guide to using a fire extinguisher. For more information about fire extinguisher safety, please visit the National Fire Protection Association at
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
How to use a fire extinguisher. Pullo the pin. Aim at the base of the fire. Squeeze the lever. Sweep Side to side
The City of Creswell wishes you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! City Hall will be closed today and tomorrow and will resume regular business hours on Monday, December 2nd, 2024.
4 months ago, Paisley
Happy Thanksgiving from the City of Creswell!
Here are the street sweeper dates for December 2024. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Creswell Public Works at 541-895-2395.
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
December 2024 street sweeper dates. South Side: December 5th. North Side: December 19th. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Creswell Public Works at 541-895-2395
Heads up Creswell! Utility Bills are being mailed out today! If you do not receive yours by the 5th of December, please contact Wendy Bair, our Utility Clerk, at 541-895-2531 ext. 301 or at
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
Utility Bills are being mailed out today!
Happy Wednesday, Creswell! We hope it's a good one!
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
Community Sharing, in partnership with Egan Warming Center, is exploring the possibility of offering a warming shelter this season. We need volunteers for various shifts and tasks. Interested? Contact for more info or to sign up!
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
Community Sharing, in partnership with Egan Warming Center, is exploring whether we have to capacity to offer a warming shelter this season or not. We are looking for volunteers!  Volunteer opportunities:  · Volunteer coordinator  · Weather tracker  · Volunteers to cover shifts  1. First shift: 7PM to 11PM  2. Second shift: 11PM to 4AM  3. Third shift: 4AM to 8AM (includes clean up)  · Volunteers to setup for the night  · Volunteer(s) to wash bedding  To indicate your interest in volunteering, or to gather more information, please message us, or email us (, your name and contact information.  If we have enough interest in these volunteer positions, we plan to purchase a MASH style military tent and use space heaters to warm it. The Egan Warming Center has graciously offered to provide training, the use of some of their equipment and staff assistance to help us try to operate this year. THANK YOU EGAN!
Heads up, Creswell! City Hall will be closing early next Tuesday at 12pm for a staff training! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 541-895-2531.
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
City Hall Closing early on December 3rd, 2024. Please be advised that Creswell City Hall will close at 12:00 PM on December 3rd, 2024, for a staff training on de-escalation techniques. Regular business hours will resume the following day, December 4th, 2024. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to improve our services. If you have any urgent matters, please plan accordingly. Thank you!
The Creswell City Council will be holding a special meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024, at 6pm on Creswell City Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and the meeting will be live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
The Creswell City Council will be holding a special meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024, at 6pm on Creswell City Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and the meeting will be live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
The Creswell Water Rate Advisory Board has three (3) open seats and we need you to help fill them! Please send all questions and applications to our City Recorder, Caitlin Born, at Application:
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
GET INVOLVED! Join the Water Rate Advisory Board and play a vital role in ensuring fair, sustainable water rates for our community. Your input will directly impact how we manage this resource and ensure a reliable water supply for years to come. Whether you're passionate about conservation, budgeting, or community service, this is your chance to make a difference. There are three seats available so apply today and be a part of the solution!  Get involved—your voice matters!
Did you miss last night's City Council Work Session? Get the highlights in our latest recap!
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
City Council Work Session Recap.  November 25th, 2024
Mayor’s Report Mayor Stram called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. All Councilors present. Mayor Stram introduced Councilor-elect Mark Kremer who was in the audience. Committee Reports A. Administration and Finance Committee No Report B. Public Safety Committee No Report C. Transportation and Public Works Committee No Report D. Parks and Tree Advisory Board No Report E. Airport Commission No Report F. LCOG (Lane Council of Governments) No Report G. LACT (Lane Area Commission on Transportation - Councilor Clark updated the Council on the October and November activities. She attended a meeting of all the Chairs for the State ACTs. They discussed the updates presented to the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC), the Connect Oregon Grant, and ODOT's strategic review. The OTC briefed the Chairs on what they learned in their state-wide visits. The OTC approved the grant requested for our region which means that Oakridge airport's runway will be repaired, a rail spur will be funded for the Greenhill transfer station, and funding for the Eugene Airport was approved. Committees are moving forward with updating the LACT bylaws and nominating new officers for 2025.
Presentations: A. LTD- Jameson Auten and Dave Roth provided a powerpoint presentation to the Council. Route 98 which serves Creswell and Cottage Grove provided 37,500 rides last year which is about 60 rides per day.  Discussion Items: A. Ask City Council to provide direction to the Planning Commission regarding floodplains- Leni Crow, CFM City Council directed staff to use the Permit-by-Permit option to meet FEMA requirements. B. Correct the spelling of Robinett on Robinette-Hughes Park - Council directed staff to work with the Historical Society on a plaque explaining why the park is named after these two individuals and how the spelling of Robinett has changed. Staff was directed to verify that the original spelling as recorded on the platt is Robinette. C. Ordinance 563- Ross Williamson explained the proposed ordinance. There was discussion to clarify that the ordinance achieved the Council's intent. Council directed staff to place the ordinance on the December 9th City Council agenda for consideration. D. Interim City Council Candidates - The City Council narrowed down the list of applicants to David Clyne and Spenser Nebel. They will be interviewed at a special meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, December 3rd.
Public Works is making the season bright and merry! Paisley came out to supervise during her morning walk and received some belly rubs, too!
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
Image of Seth and Chris from Creswell Public Works decorating the town for the holidays
Image of Paisley the City Hall office dog supervising holiday decorating
Image of a decorated streetlight
Image of Seth from Public Works giving Paisley belly rubs
The latest update from City Manager Amberg has arrived! To receive these updates via email, message Michelle at November 26th, 2024 Update:
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
Creswell City Manager Weekly Update
Happy Tuesday, Creswell! Thanksgiving is just two days away! What are you most thankful for? Let us know in the comments!
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
Question of the Day. What are you thankful for today?
The City Council Work Session is now live! Tune in via the original City of Creswell Facebook page or on our YouTube Channel!
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
We are live! Live stream the Creswell City Council Meeting and stay up to date about what is happening in our town! Facebook: City of Creswell YouTube: @cityofcreswell1909
The Creswell City Council will be holding their monthly work session tonight at 6pm at Creswell City Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and the meeting will be live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
City Council Work Session. November 25th, 2024 at 6pm in Creswell City Hall.
Happy Monday, Creswell! Here is everything happening this week!
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
This Week in Creswell. 11/25: City Council Work Session, 6pm at Creswell City Hall. 11/28: Thanksgiving Day, City Hall Closed. 11/29: City Hall Closed. 11/30: Coffee With a Cop, 10am at Blue Valley Bistro
The City of Creswell December 2024 calendar has arrived! If you would like a paper copy of this calendar, we will have them available on our information table on December 2nd, 2024.
4 months ago, Creswell Admin
City of Creswell December 2024 Calendar.