Start the Holiday Season off right by having Breakfast With Santa at the Firehouse! For more information, please contact South Lane Fire and Rescue at (541) 942-4493.

Happy Friday, Creswell! Just a friendly reminder that City Hall is closed today and will resume regular business hours on Monday, December 2nd, 2024.

Do you have any questions about City Code? Contact our Code Enforcement Officer, Chelsie Haynes, at 541-895-2531 ext. 315 or at chaynes@creswell-or.us
*Chelsie currently works a hybrid schedule. Email is the best way to reach her!

Happy Thanksgiving, Creswell! On an unrelated note, here is a step by step guide to using a fire extinguisher. For more information about fire extinguisher safety, please visit the National Fire Protection Association at https://shorturl.at/g6Zjj

The City of Creswell wishes you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! City Hall will be closed today and tomorrow and will resume regular business hours on Monday, December 2nd, 2024.

Here are the street sweeper dates for December 2024. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Creswell Public Works at 541-895-2395.

Heads up Creswell! Utility Bills are being mailed out today! If you do not receive yours by the 5th of December, please contact Wendy Bair, our Utility Clerk, at 541-895-2531 ext. 301 or at wbair@creswell-or.us

Happy Wednesday, Creswell! We hope it's a good one!

Community Sharing, in partnership with Egan Warming Center, is exploring the possibility of offering a warming shelter this season. We need volunteers for various shifts and tasks. Interested? Contact info@communitysharing.org for more info or to sign up!

Heads up, Creswell! City Hall will be closing early next Tuesday at 12pm for a staff training! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 541-895-2531.

The Creswell City Council will be holding a special meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024, at 6pm on Creswell City Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and the meeting will be live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.

The Creswell Water Rate Advisory Board has three (3) open seats and we need you to help fill them! Please send all questions and applications to our City Recorder, Caitlin Born, at cborn@creswell-or.us
Application: https://5il.co/26jst

Did you miss last night's City Council Work Session? Get the highlights in our latest recap!

Public Works is making the season bright and merry! Paisley came out to supervise during her morning walk and received some belly rubs, too!

The latest update from City Manager Amberg has arrived! To receive these updates via email, message Michelle at mdamberg@creswell-or.us.
November 26th, 2024 Update: https://5il.co/31tag

Happy Tuesday, Creswell! Thanksgiving is just two days away! What are you most thankful for? Let us know in the comments!

The City Council Work Session is now live! Tune in via the original City of Creswell Facebook page or on our YouTube Channel!

The Creswell City Council will be holding their monthly work session tonight at 6pm at Creswell City Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and the meeting will be live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.

Happy Monday, Creswell! Here is everything happening this week!

The City of Creswell December 2024 calendar has arrived! If you would like a paper copy of this calendar, we will have them available on our information table on December 2nd, 2024.