Planning Projects

Economic Opportunities Analysis

Creswell’s current supply of economic land does not meet the needs of the City. Even though Creswell is along I-5, near a university and community college, and in proximity to a major population center, the City has not been able to attract employers to relocate to the “Friendly City”. In feedback from the 2022 Economic Development Strategic Plan, the City simply does not have enough “shovel-ready” land. Specifically, the City has identified that its larger industrial sites are constrained by lack of access to infrastructure (road, water, and sewer), which has presented a phantom capacity in the current BLI. Staff anticipates that a UGB expansion will need to include additional land for economic activity.

Safe Routes to School Plan

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a comprehensive program to make school communities safer by combining engineering tools and engagement with education about safety and activities to enable and encourage students to walk and roll to school. SRTS programs involve partnerships among municipalities, school districts, transit districts, parks and recreation districts, public health agencies, community members, parent volunteers, and community groups. The benefits of implementing a SRTS Plan include improving safety, increasing access, encouraging physical activity, and reducing traffic congestion and motor vehicle emissions near schools. Implementing SRTS programs and projects benefits adjacent neighborhoods, as well as students and their families, by reducing traffic conflicts and enabling walking and rolling trips for all purposes. (Executive Summary link).

Economic, Social, Environmental and Energy Analysis (Creswell Wetlands Plan)

Creswell is anticipated to need ~850 more dwellings in the next 20 years, and many of the vacant and partially are constrained by wetlands.  The sites with wetlands inflate Creswell’s Buildable Land Inventory, inhibited the ability to expand the growth boundary, and further make it more challenging to build capacity for population growth. In 2023, City Council adopted the city's new wetlands plan, an ESEE, to preserve the highest functioning wetlands and identify lower functioning wetlands that may offer opportunities for development.

Economic Development Strategic Plan

The City of Creswell is undertaking a strategic planning process to guide economic development in Creswell. The City has partnered with the Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) to engage local businesses, civic leaders, subject matter experts, and other stakeholders to help establish an economic vision and goals reflective of the Creswell community.

Downtown Plan Update

Downtown is the heart of Creswell -- Buildings, businesses, services, and people on the move make it great. With Creswell's continued growth, the City has envisioned the future of the Downtown district. This includes street design, how to find your way around, and what types of uses will fit best a vibrant, thriving mixed-use center. The Creswell Downtown Plan Update, adopted by Creswell City Council in December 2020, builds upon and coordinates with the recently adopted Creswell Transportation System Plan (TSP) (2019) and expands upon opportunities to provide housing options at higher-densities in the core of our community. 

Transportation System Plan (TSP)

Transportation is essential to our daily lives and is a big part of how a city functions. Creswell partnered with Oregon Department of Transportation to analyze existing needs and future demands on our transportation network to determine the best way to improve and enhance our network to meet the growing demands of our community. Click the title above for more information and the full-text.

Land Needs Analysis

Creswell has been growing and changing dramatically over the last 20 years. The City has been working to amend its Comprehensive Plan to reflect current priorities and aspirations for the next 20-year planning horizon. To do so, Creswell must undergo three analyses: a Buildable Lands Inventory, an Economic Opportunities Analysis (Goal 9), and a Housing Needs Assessment (Goal 10). Click here for more information and draft materials related to Creswell's Land Needs.  

Drinking Water Source Protection Plan
Creswell was awarded a grant to assess risks to our drinking water source, the Coast Fork of the Willamette River. In February, 2018, the plan received approval from the Oregon Health Authority and the Department of Environmental Quality. Click to view the plan and all of its appendices.

Urban Renewal District

Creswell established an Urban Renewal District to address infrastructure needs and deficiencies specifically related to employment lands.  

Flood Risk Map Amendment
FEMA is remapping the Upper Willamette Basin, which includes South Lane County. Click to view information about changes to the Flood Risk Maps in our area.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 
Beginning in the 1970’s, the state of Oregon required every city to create a Comprehensive  Plan that included goals, objectives, policies, a map, and other supporting materials such as a refinement plan.  The intent of this planning effort was to protect Oregon’s very special farm and forest land.  With a few exceptions, the land uses planned for the City of Creswell were put on a map 25 years ago.  In order to adapt to the changing needs and circumstances of a community and ensure that Creswell’s Comprehensive Plan retains its validity and usefulness, the City is updating its plan by Statewide Goal Area. Updates are focused on setting goals, objectives, and policies for each topic. Click the title above for more details. 

Supporting Documents